Wednesday, November 25, 2009


wow, so i'm not giving up anymore.
i'm fighting everything with all the strength i have,
so we still aren't talking, but you get that
I refuse to give up but i also refuse to look stupid.
I have come to realise some of the people in my life mean more to me than ever before.
Tbh, i still dont really care if i got hit by a car tomorrow or something.
i can be so damn moody it's not funny, and im not who everyone wants me to be but they'll live now wont they.
People can't help to have a fucking opinion,
its all judgemental,
i wore shorts to a party on the weekend and completely forgot about what i had done to my legs,
yeah read the post below.
and everyone had something to say.
no one wanted to care about why i'd done it or if i was okay, it was all judgemental.
im still alive aren't i and there is only really one person to thank for that.
im scared that when he leaves me which probably wont be long, that i won't know what im doing with myself.
I have my two best friends and if any three of these people left, my life would no longer be liveable.
There is also this one guy, who is a part of my past. but it took me so long to get past him and all i wanted was to still be friends and as long as it took i'm glad we're getting back there. it means alot.
It hurt me so much to watch my mother walk around, looking at me and not knowing why i wouldnt talk, why i was always crying and i know she saw it all,
she had to stop me.
i am so thankful for everything she does for me.
basically this blog was to say how much i appreciate my boy, i love him so much and i know it's kinda early to say it, but i only say things i mean.
to my two best mates please, please never let anything come between us.
things are all better
no one worry anymore.

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